A review by cathodg
Blue-Skinned Gods by SJ Sindu


I struggled with this book. I really wanted to love it. I really liked the premise of it and there are many little stories within it that definitely captured me but overall I felt detached. I didn’t care and I find that very difficult when reading a book.

I know a little about Indian religions but I feel that maybe had I known more about the stories of Vishnu and Krishna, if I understood the beliefs about avatars more then maybe I would have connected better with the characters and the story.

The book is written in two parts, the first half is set in India and the second in America. I definitely preferred the time in India. I felt like I was learning something through the stories and felt the characters had real depth to them. The time in America felt a little rough. It’s probably about a 3rd of the overall story and it felt rushed. Kalki’s revelations, his spiral away from the world of the ashram, the confrontations with his father, it all feels incredibly rushed.

After reading the final pages of this book I felt let down. I’m glad I saw it through but I feel there was so much more potential to the book than was realised.