A review by shelovestoread
A Study in Drowning by Ava Reid


Good good what a freaking disappointment. How ironic is it that this book was exponentially the opposite of the amount of excitement I had for it. ...........

Dear old Effy, our main female lead took forever to grow a freaking spine. She really needed to get a grip on reality faster and stop being such a damsel in distress. She pissed me off to no end.

the whole book's mystery, the great answer; they are searching for. I literally guessed it in the first third of the book like literally..... people?? Chop Chop, you have your eyes open and like to literally look at things with intelligent eyes.

Also the romance??? She falls for him because he is literally the first person to ever show her how decent humans should act uegh.

idk what this book was trying to be penned to be a dark academia it also tries to be paranormal and then also fantasy at times. But nothing is brought to full fruition, just a weird bowl of mixed fruits that are all different textures. 

i don't know what it was tbh but 2 freaking eugh stars!!!! !@!$#%$#^%&^*