A review by ktxx22
How to Talk So Little Kids Will Listen: A Survival Guide to Life with Children Ages 2-7 by Julie King, Joanna Faber


2022: it’s been 2 years since my first listen of this and I’m really glad I went through and reread this! I’m now a mom of 2 and I see things I learned the first go round that I use currently and even better a refresher on things that weren’t as high up on the list then that I can utilize now. I fully anticipate returning to this book again in the future to continue to facilitate an exceptional relationship with my kiddos.

2020:If you are a parent, aunt/uncle, grandparent, teacher, day care worker, or a sitter this book will change your life in regards to how you manage tiny humans and their big emotions. I love that I read this book and in my opinion this is the BEST self help book I’ve ever read. I bought a physical copy for my home so that I can reference it regularly as my son and future babes grow so that I can parent with compassion and teach said babes to be well rounded happy children!

I recommend this to everyone I think it’s easy to read easier to get through and that if you are in an adult/young child interaction regularly you will find common ground and be able to use this to help said young people to express themselves productively!