A review by cendi
Daughter of Deep Silence by Carrie Ryan


Reviewed By: Paperback Princesses

Following a devastating attack on a luxury yacht that killed her parents, Frances Mace takes the place of a girl named Libby, who she became friends with during her time on the cruise. She is one of three people who know what really happened to the ship, and she knows no one will ever believe her without proof. She knows she has to take the other two down, all while she struggles with her own identity.

This book was so much fun to read. I’ve read Carrie Ryan’s The Forest of Hands and Teeth series, and they’re practically the only zombie books I can stand. I loved them so much, and I was very excited to see this book come out, even though I knew it had nothing to do with the other series. I just really love her writing style.

Daughter of Deep Silence is definitely not a zombie tale, even if Frances seems sort of dead at times (pun not intended). She struggles with the fact that she’s pretending to be Libby, but Frances tries to surface as she’s around her first deep love.

One of the most exciting things about this story is the love story within the revenge story. It’s not like any other teen/ya love story out there. Its got its twists, and that’s something to look forward to while reading.

Occasionally, the narrator jumps between past and present, but its fairly easy to follow. Most of the issue with this book was trying to follow along with Frances’ plan to take the senator and his son down.

Would I read this again? Absolutely! And I definitely recommend it for someone who’s looking for a story just a little bit different.