A review by bookaneer
Big Girl by Meg Elison


Rating for The Pill only, a nomination for the Best Novelette for the Hugo Awards this year.

WOW. Story like this is what makes me love speculative fiction. It's not just well written with an engaging main character but it is chilling, profound, and terrifyingly possible. There's very, very few representation for fat characters in SFF and this one is probably my favorite so far since it does focus on body image, filial and societal dynamics, and of course a certain brave-new-world scenario. Imagine if your world and everything in it literally shrinks and you just don't fit in anymore either physically or communally, you can't even study or work since the office spaces can't accommodate you anymore from chairs to doors, and you have to make your own bed literally since no stores sell your size anymore. And that's not the worst.

I will definitely try to read the other stories in this book.