A review by kistireads
Talli, Daughter of the Moon Vol. 1 by Sourya Sihachakr


Thank you NetGalley for an ARC of this book in exchange of an honest review.

I typically love graphic novels and this one pulled my attention from the title and description alone. However, I felt the plot was lackluster, even though we started off with a high-speed chase/run away. The action continued throughout and this novel is certainly fast paced. Around the 60% mark, we got more explanations and more of what the plot points are/will be, but for me, this is a bit late in the story! Though learning and gaining that information made the story fascinating, and I was compelled to keep reading.

The novel itself is easy to read and understand, the writing and art styles are very accessible. The art style is not my favorite for graphic novels, but I can appreciate its accessibility.

Overall, it was an entertaining and easy read, much quicker than originally thought, with an interesting premise. I'm not sure I will continue with the series, but it may intrigue other readers!