A review by simmer_paws
Fall Hard by Jade Church


5/5 Stars

3/5 Spice

Thank you to Jade Church for the Advanced Copy to Review.

I fell in love with Jade Church’s books last year and have been slowly reading all of them so when I saw that I could maybe get an arc of this book I of course had to request it. This sapphic romance was so much fun and I loved the character development which is the focus of this book.

This book follows Liv who fell in love with her roommate that doesn’t feel the same way and in an attempt to get over her she partners with Bryn to complete a list of things she has always wanted to do. Bryn starts to fall for Liv but Liv is still getting over Jamie but continues to help with her checklist that might get a bit spicy.

Seeing Liv work through the fact she fell in love with someone who doesn’t feel the same way and get over that felt so real and I loved seeing Liv develop and move past her feelings and realize that maybe there is someone who does love her in the same way.

I highly recommend this book and book 1 in the series. They can be read as stand-alones but this one does work better if you have read book 1 to see Liv at the start of her development. This is a wonderful sapphic romance that isn’t purely focused on romance but also personal development.