A review by bookishnerdyandcurious
Because of Miss Bridgerton by Julia Quinn


4.5 stars!

After reading the Bridgerton books last year, I declared that 2021 would be the year that I tackled Julia Quinn's backlist, so I finally decided to do it and decided the Rokesby family would be a good place to start! I flew through this - I adored Billie and George and watching them go from annoyance to complete adoration... and a team. (Also, seeing the genesis of The Mallet of Death and the Bridgerton family's love of Pall Mall was fantastic - I cheered when I read that, not gonna lie.) I'm kind of wishing I had the other three books in the series - I may purchase the ebooks just so I can continue on, but I'll definitely want the paperbacks to complete the collection.