A review by linbee83
Betrayed by P.C. Cast, Kristin Cast


There were several times where I just wanted to give up. Just quit and throw in the towel. But I persevered, and I am kind of glad that I did.

Now a few things that I found annoying, and that would have caused me to throw the book (Had I been reading the book itself & not listening to the cd)...all of the stereotypes yet again. Jack? Please, just please. Don't even get me started on the Zoe being confused about 3 guys, yet calling Aphrodite a Ho (many, many, many times). The pop culture references...yet again abound. But hey, when you are just writing to put a new roof on the house, who cares if it will still be around in 20 years? These books just sprung up because of the beloved "Twilight" craze, honestly. But, I'm going to keep reading. Because I want to find out if Mary Sue...I mean Zoe is going to get her hair messed up at all. Because she is "The most powerful fledgling EVER!" (Which you are reminded of constantly. Sometimes several times per paragraph.) I also want to know what happens to Stevie Rae (BOO!), Damian (yay!) and Heath, and possibly Aphrodite, Neferet, and oh, the Twins.

What can I say, I'm a glutten for punishment!