A review by chelz286
Matamoros by James Kahn


Matamoros is quite an intimidating novel, with its size and title. However, do not let this book fool you, it will pull you in at page one and soon you forget the size of this book. Clay is kind of a shady character, who has been running a successful bar, gambling emporium that does well. He has his faithful bouncer Isaac who helps keep things in line when needed, although this relationship leaves many scratching their heads due to Issac being black.
Matamoros is a hidden "gem" that the South has found in order to continue to export their cotton, and import guns and other items needed for the fledging Civil War and their plantations. This town is settled right on the other side of the boot tip of Texas. This port has become a hub for many passing through as well as others looking for all sorts of salvation, information, money, or a good stiff drink.
Clay has learned how to live off of those who pass through, with gathering and supplying information. So far it has not gotten him into any sort of trouble until Allie comes through. She soon becomes his partner in crime, and that partnership grows into something more than just partners. Can they keep their feelings at bay in order to succeed with running with those who could easily figure out what they are up to; thievery, spying and crossing others.
This novel also gives us insight into Clay through the various other characters in the novel, specifically Isaac and gives an understanding as to why Clay and Isaac have the relationship that they do. It is not often the main character is seen through the eyes of others, so that added an interesting POV within in this novel.
I thought this was a very well written novel, although you will learn some new words, a bit of Spanish and some "old" words as well. I really enjoy that he wrote about a different side of the war, and brought interest to that part of history with Matamoros. I enjoy reading about things you think are only in movies, or happened in movies. Thank you to the author and Historical Fiction Virtual Book Tours for the opportunity to read and review this novel!