A review by emeliestegbornblixt
Slam! Vol. 1, Volume 1 by Pamela Ribon


This is a fast-paced and fun comic, and I wouldn't mind pickig up the next volume. It wasn't the most special thing ever, my life has not been changed, but I did really enjoy it. The story arc of this volume centers on female friendship which is a topic I love seeing handled well in stories, and I think it was here. As I said, this is really fast-paced, so there is sometimes something missing in the complexity, nuance and depth of the exploration of friendship (and everything else), which is why this isn't getting a higher rating. However, it did give me exactly the fun time I wanted from it when I picked it up, so if this review comes across as me listing it's flaws that's definitely not my intention. It was a good time with cute art, and I'm quite satisfied.