A review by the_novel_approach
Hummingbird House by Kenzie Cade


4.5 Stars

SpoilerWhen looking through this year’s Dreamspinner Press Advent Calendar offerings, I immediately chose Hummingbird House because of the title alone; I didn’t even read the blurb. Hummingbirds are special. You see, my Nana loved Hummingbirds. Adored them. She had a Hummingbird feeder outside her bedroom window, and would sit and watch them for hours. I have a Hummingbird Christmas tree ornament, which is one of my favorites, to remember her by. Imagine my happy surprise, then, when I began reading and realized that the story in large part revolves around the grandmother of one of the main characters, and how she brings everyone together! :)

Trent’s grandmother, Astrid Appleton, who effectively raised him, has finally succumbed to her long battle with Alzheimer’s, and passed away. The book begins with a beautifully written, touching letter from her to her grandson, and does a wonderful job of setting up the story. Trent has spent the last eight years taking care of Astrid, and one of her last wishes was for him to return to their ancestral home in England – Hummingbird House – and to take some time for himself. It is there that he is reacquainted with his childhood best friend, and boyhood love interest, Callum Eason – as well as Callum’s family, all of whom are fabulous!

I have to take my hat off to Kenzie Cade, who makes fantastic use of these 51 pages. Short stories are tough…we’ve all said it before. But Hummingbird House is an absolutely delightful read. Her writing style is very easygoing and lovely. The character development is really good, and there is enough backstory to suck you in and make it so that nothing feels rushed. I honestly adored this story from the first page right on through to the end. A wonderful little Christmas story!!!
