A review by rick2
The Cult of Trump: A Leading Cult Expert Explains How the President Uses Mind Control by Steven Hassan


Very strong as a descriptive tool to communicate the type of influences that lead to the extreme levels reality denial I see around a lot of political discussions. While this book is focused on Trump, I think QAnon also falls into a similar bucket, as does the Maddow hive mind that claims everything going on was the result of Russian influence.

I think this book fails when it tries to discuss what this mean for the future. Drawing a parallel to Jonestown or Waco is dramatic, but I think less accurate simply because the cult model isn’t an exact fit. It’s almost closer to something like the Red Scare or other mass delusions.

I also struggle a bit with the widespread diagnosis of calling something that 70 some million people support a cult. Where is the line if we start referring to mainstream movements as cults? It seems like a dilution of the word. A new definition that is a large departure from its past definition.

At the same time, I’m not sure we have another word for some of the absolutely batshit craziness going on out there. The cult-like behavior fits so accurately that it’s a sort of relief to recognize the similarities.

In all, this is a very well done book by someone who is well versed in cults. Calling attention to the concerning aspects of a mass political movement. It’s a valuable contribution to the discussion on mass movements and mass delusions we need to have.