A review by deann
Lock Every Door by Riley Sager


When are we going to see movie (or TV) adaptations of this man’s novels? Seriously! Riley writes such compelling mystery thrillers that it’s like a movie reel playing in my head when reading. I know I should be gushing about this book in this review but all of his books are amazing. Once started they’re hard to put down (though I did try to stretch and savor this one) and then there is that moment when you reach the end and suddenly you’re trolling his author page hoping for an announcement of the next book.

Enough of that. Thoughts…
- Of course, the whole building was in on it! A modern-day Agatha Christie horror.
- Yes, that apartment-sitting job was too good to be true but I think I would have taken that deal. But I also would have found that hidden passageway a lot sooner than she did because I’m nosy like that and I always look for hidden passageways and exits out of a building.
- So while reading this I kept picturing the elevator and lobby from Child’s Play 1988 which made the visual of Jules riding down said elevator with a bloody knife and a “Fuck You” salute to Marianne that much more badassery and comical
- I know it would have been unrealistic but I kinda wished we had learned the fate of Jules' missing sister. Maybe that can be the plot of a future book. *hint hint* wink wink*

Speaking of future books, let me see if I can guess the theme of the next one. So book 1 was the slasher theme (insert any 80s axe-wielding maniac movie) Book 2 was summer camp slasher-Esque theme but without the rising body count and Book 3 felt like a Shirley Jackson haunted mansion sort of deal. Oooh, maybe the next one could incorporate creepy children 'Alice Sweet Alice' style.