A review by wingm0m
The Girl Before by JP Delaney


I took a leap on this one mostly because I stick to my "potential" book list pretty tight. I add things that sound interesting to me for review at a later date depending on what I feel like reading. I saw this in the "new" book shelf at the library and grabbed it.

I am SO happy I did. What a story. I read it a little here and there and then started reading it before bed - 3-1/2 hours later passed out on the sofa I closed it for the night. All I could think about when I woke up was finishing it. It's such a quandary when you don't want it to end, but you want to keep reading because every next page is better than the one before.

J.P. Delaney, you nailed it. Thank you for getting me out of a reading rut that I have been in for far too long. THIS story, THESE characters, the way the book is written from both girls' POV's simultaneously is part of the charm of what sucked me in.

I feel like I need to buy my own copy now to keep on my shelf.

Oddly enough there were moments, few and far between, but enough, to make me relate in certain aspects to what the women were feeling, why they were drawn to the lifestyles and the home....enough to make me consider a minimalist life.

I feel like I could ramble on and on about this book, but it's just one of those "you won't believe it until you read it" kind of stories.

Just read it. Read it and find out about "The Girl Before".

You can thank me later.