A review by roaminhohmann
Keeper of the Lost Cities by Shannon Messenger


My two 7th grade students know I love reading and were begging (borderline threatening) me to read this series. C told me she would bring in the first book ASAP and I couldn’t say no to her. (Also it was double spaced so I knew it would be a quick read HA!)

Yes, there is some very obvious foreshadowing for YA romance tropes and some “omg I’m so special and different and powerful :(((“ pick-me moments from the protagonist…

Yet, I don’t know if I’m a bit biased/blinded by liking these two terrific student, but reading this book as an adult felt incredibly nostalgic for me. If twelve year old me read this series, I know it would be on the shelf next to Percy Jackson. Fun characters, CuTe BoiZ, magic that can be either powerful and funny, or both!

Highly recommend for the intended audience age!