A review by life_full_ofbooks
The Department of Lost & Found by Allison Winn Scotch


I picked this book because I saw a Bookstagram friend rave about other books by this author. The only book by Allison Winn Scotch that was available via Overdrive was this one and I definitely wasn’t a fan. I found the storyline to be promising, but the book was extremely predictable and I didn’t like the protagonist. While it wasn’t poorly written, I felt like it could have been better. There are several diary entries included which I didn’t care for, and at the same time parts of the book that weren’t part of the diary were written as though they should have been diary entries (ie: “I’ll spare you the details…”). I will definitely try the other books my friend recommended, though, because I have a great amount of respect for her and her opinions on books, and I firmly believe every author of multiple books will have at least one someone will find to be a dud.