A review by heather425
Ramona Blue by Julie Murphy


This review contains spoilers. You've been warned...
Ramona Blue lives in a small town in Mississippi. At seventeen she should be enjoying her senior year of high school and applying to colleges, but Ramona feels like she has to take care of her family and be an adult instead. Enter Freddie, a boy who used to summer in her town as a child with her grandparents. They haven't seen each other since they were nine, but they pick up right where they left off. Except Freddie wants it to be more than a friendship. Just one small issue - Ramona is a lesbian. Which leads to her questioning how she identifies her sexuality.

Stop reading here if you don't want spoilers....

So, while Ramona questions what to call herself after beginning to fall for Freddie, she never says she's straight. I am under the impression that those who have not read the book thinks that this is a story where a girl meets a boy and realizes she's not a lesbian after all, but likes boys. It's definitely not. It's just Ramona meets Freddie and she knows she loves him and is attracted to him, but she's pretty sure he's the only boy she feels that way about. But of course that makes her question what to call herself. Seventeen year olds are still trying to figure out who they are and this makes perfect sense. Hell, people a lot older than that can start questioning what labels they identify with. What I took from this book is that we're all too quick to want to put people in neat little boxes. That's not necessary and we need to stop.

This book is more than just Ramona's sexuality. It's about love for family, discovering yourself, and learning to deal with change. It's another great novel by Julie Murphy and you should go read it!