A review by bookwormbunny
Bad Loki by Rosemary A. Johns


Bad Loki by Rosemary A. Johns is the first book in her Rebel Gods series. This book introduces readers to a myriad of new characters and ties in to another series that will be familiar to those who have read it with small teases here and there throughout this book.
Bad Loki piqued my interest from the beginning of this book when we’re introduced to Autumn. I thoroughly enjoyed the beginning of this book and as the story goes deeper I was eager to see where things were going to go. The hunt for Loki is on and the question arises…how long will it last and what will be the end of it? When the story transitions to “present” day and the hunt for a dangerous pair of demons I practically devoured this book. Things went a bit left when the storyline diverts, but with the introduction of new characters my interest was kept intact.
I like the threads that tie this book to another series by this author. It helps to engage me in the right places as Loki gives readers some idea about who he is. I love Kit and Ra as well. These are such unique characters and I have to admit that anytime there is a kitsune in a book…I’m going to absolutely love the kitsune. LOL!
The downside for this book for me is how the storyline seems to really slow down and focus on the mundane of the Tree of Life and Loki’s place in it. The danger is still out in the forest wreaking havoc, but that seems to take a big backseat which is disappointing. I expected a bit more drama from Autumn in connection to her crossing paths again with Loki, but that doesn’t really happen either.
This book does have some really good moments and I loved the humorous moments sprinkled in because they were truly such delightful surprises mixed in. When the story is focused in on the drama and excitement and blends with the more slower paced moments then it’s really enjoyable. It slows down a bit too much in some places which causes me to enjoy the story less, but I’m looking forward to what comes next. I’m choosing to rate this book 4.5 out of 5 stars.