A review by caytlynn
If We Were Villains by M.L. Rio

Did not finish book. Stopped at 50%.
DNF @ 50%
Honestly I’m just extra disappointed in this book. Everyone RAVED about it and I’m the end it was boring and predictable at times. I honestly never felt anything towards any of the characters.
The only thing that slightly held my interest was why Richard suddenly went psycho. I thought it would be looked into or just anything done about it. But from what I’ve heard everyone just accepts it as like jealousy. Which is just a low level excuse. So many others reasons could have been given that would have been so much more exciting.
Then to read reviews and realize that yes the book queer batted the shit out of our characters and the audience. We all could tell Oliver’s little chest pains every time he was around James was because he was gay but just didn’t realize it. It was overtly obvious. But James even though acting odd at times about hearing about his roommates sexual escapades with a girl but not also being into Oliver just overall being weird.
So to end it all out Oliver kills this man because he accused him of being gay for Oliver. You beat the living shit out of a man for saying you were gay. Then proceeded to let said man take the fall for you for 10 years. For him to then find out you committed suicide but wait he was left a note with some Shakespeare that might actually be hinting he’s still alive. Just why.
This is ridiculous in the worst way and I’m glad I didn’t finish this stupid book.