A review by morganjanedavis
Dead Leprechauns & Devil Cats: Strange Tales of the White Street Society by Grady Hendrix


I say this every time but I am a sucker for Grady Hendrix. His writing style is unique and always leaves me feeling something, to which I can't say the same of every author. This book of short stories that is very loosely based on real events was so fun to read! With the 1800's jargon and general rapport between the characters I felt like I was transported back to this time period. The social commentary on political figures and events during the time felt perfect to read during 2021, when the world feels still slightly ablaze from the shit show that was 2020. My favorite aspect of the stories was the unabashed racism, sexism, exploitation, and white privilege the main characters utilized to reach their goals. Augustus is extremely open with his tools used to oppress others and get what he wants while William seemingly feels worse about it but continues on with any and all plans despite a nagging conscience. V on brand for American history as a whole. This is different from any Hendrix work I've read in the past but if your a fan of him, history, and/or books that call out terrible white folks on their terrible actions, read this!