A review by sc104906
The Thing with Feathers by McCall Hoyle


I received this as an eARC through Netgalley.

Emilie has been seizure free for three months, so her mom and doctors have decided it is time for her to transition back into public school. Emilie is nervous about this change because she doesn't want to be ostracized for her condition and she can't take her best friend and seizure dog with her. Emilie soon finds herself experiencing the normal teenage life, but she hasn't told anyone about her epilepsy and she fears that the others will find out and judge her. Along with these new issues related to school, Emilie's mother has started the healing process after her father's death three years ago, and Emilie's young neighbor's parent's fights are getting scarier by the day. Can Emilie stop things from moving forward or protect those in need.

This was a solid fluffy novel. It offered several meaty layers to the plot, but they could have been developed better. I did enjoy the characters and the easy flow of the book.