A review by creolelitbelle
Uglies by Scott Westerfeld


As I've already told some, I wasn't sold on this book as a whole until towards the end of Part II, when the ugly truth came out. The superficial pretties disgusted me, and I found Tally very unlikeable in the beginning. Only Shay was redeemable in the first cast of characters leading up the the Smoke. Then, as Tally found herself, I appreciated her more. These characters are complex with strong desires and motivations, some strictly taught and others pondered on for weeks or years. The world is a twisted dystopia that I suspect many of us would cling to in our teen years, which we think we know what we want. I started this book very hesitantly. Now, I'll need to read the rest of the series to discover the rest of Tally's and Shay's journeys. I do hope subsequent books reveal more depth of side characters such as Croy.