A review by shayemiller
Apt. 3 by Ezra Jack Keats


Fellow book blogger and #imwayr community member, Linda of TeacherDance, recommended this picture book a few weeks back and I'm so grateful that we had a copy through our tri-college loan program. Apt. 3 is an apprehensive experience of sounds and smells as two young boys search their apartment complex to find the source of the music they hear. We discover a lot about the boys' neighbors just by the smells and sounds coming from behind each door (or by what they find in the hallway outside the door). In the end, they discover a neighbor they know very little about and the encounter is a bit frightening at first. But in no time, they're gaining empathy and appreciation. The copy I found is very old. In fact, the front cover had been rubbed so much that I hardly recognized the book cover on Goodreads. The beautiful illustrations look to be done with paint and collage.

For more children's literature, middle grade literature, and YA literature reviews, feel free to visit my personal blog at The Miller Memo!