A review by e_d_ivey
We Will Be Crashing Shortly by Hollis Gillespie


Gillespie writes for young adults without questioning their maturity. She's able to keep the tone snappy without compromising the quality of her work, something I appreciate while simultaneously reading a book whose author seems to think she's writing for kindergarteners.
Once again, April faces trauma after trauma, and her strength comes in the way she logically handles the chaos in her life. Though at times unbelievable, her ability to reason through a situation inspires readers to approach their own lives with a similar logic. Surrounded by adults, she's often one of the most reasonable voices, challenging the idea that adults know better than children. Not only that, I have loved April's travel savvy - for all the lighthearted characters and tone throughout the book, Gillespie does pack the book with subtle lessons about travel safety. And for some readers, this is all that you need to read to be drawn in: absolutely no love triangle exists in this book. In fact, as I neared the end, I was surprised at how I didn't even notice the lack of romance factor. April's life is exciting enough without boy drama.