A review by kayladaniella
Namesake by Adrienne Young


“There are some things that can’t be carved from a person, no matter how far from home they’ve sailed.”

Namesake by Adrienne Young is the second book in a pirate duology. I didn't enjoy this one as much as the first, but it was still an intriguing read.

Genre: YA Fantasy
Type: 2nd in a duology
POV: 1 POV, first person, past tense
Age Rating: 12-18 years old


As Fable descends deeper into a world of betrayal and deception, she learns the secrets her mother took to her grave, which are now putting the people Fable cares about in danger. With the Marigold ship free of her father, Fable and the rest of the crew were able to start over. The freedom is short-lived though when she becomes a pawn in a thug's scheme. She must help him to secure a partnership with Holland, a powerful gem trader who is more than she seems. If Fable is going to save the people she cares for, then she must risk everything—including the boy she loves and the home she has finally found.

“Because you and I have cursed ourselves, Fable. We will always have something to lose. I knew it that day in Tempest Snare when I kissed you. I knew it in Dern when I told you that I loved you.”

~Writing and Setting~

Young's writing declined in this book. There was a lot more fluff, and it was hard to stay focused on the book. There was little to no world building.

"We were salt and sand and sea and storm.”


There wasn't much plot, again. It was very character driven and it felt as though nothing happened this time. I wish there was more, but everything that we were given, I cherished. The end was comforting and I'm satisfied with the duology as a whole.

“It was one long series of tragically beautiful knots that bound us together.”


Honestly, there isn't any memorable character for this book. Fable learnt a lot about her herself and that was pretty much it. West was now much more precious. I loved his relationship with Fable. Holland was an interesting, new character, that fell flat. I wanted to know so much more about her, but we only got minimal things.

"We were made in the Narrows.”


Namesake didn't live up to Fable's amazing adventure, but I still liked it enough. This duology was so fun and I love Adrienne Young as an author. If you're a fan of pirates, I would definitely recommend these books.

“Now I was the girl who’d found her own way. And I also had something to lose.”

3.5/5 stars