A review by laurenjodi
The Prophet by Amanda Stevens


The Prophet
4.5 Stars

The Prophet is book #3 but it continues from where book #1, The Restorer, left off in terms of Amelia's relationship with Devlin and the issues surrounding the deaths of his wife and daughter.

Although Amelia is an engaging heroine, she has an annoying tendency toward TSTL behavior, particularly in this book. She constantly ignores her instincts and finds herself in precarious situations and the only explanation is that her actions are necessary for the story to progress as they ultimately lead to a revelation of some kind.

Devlin is as dark and tortured as ever. The fact that he is not in book two (although there are many references to him and Amelia's feelings for him), only enhances the anticipation and makes his return all the more worthwhile. The connection between Amelia and Devlin is breathtaking in its intensity and despite some questionable moments, the reader's patience is rewarded once they take it to the next level.

The story involving Amelia's investigation into the death of a murdered cop and her attempts to help Devlin's daughter is absorbing, and Stevens is very skilled at concealing the clues to unraveling the mystery within the seemingly mundane. As a result, a character that aroused my suspicions in book #1 (and turned out not to be the killer) ended up being the culprit in this book. It is rewarding to know that my suspicions were justified even if it was not in the right book.

The references to voodoo, black magic and the menacing villain all add an additional sinister layer to the creepy tone and eerie atmosphere of the Southern gothic setting. Nevertheless, the ending is a bit rushed although the mystery is neatly solved and well explained. Some tantalizing questions remain unanswered such as
Spoileris Mariama truly gone? Will Devlin learn of her treachery? Did Amelia or Devlin bring something back with them from the other side? What is Darius Goodwin's endgame?

In sum, an exciting addition and I look forward to finding out where Amelia's abilities take her.