A review by naardsx
Where I Belong by J. Daniels


| DNF @ Chapter 6 |

I struggled to believe anything that happened up to chapter 6. Like Ben and Mia not recognizing one another, but Mia and Ben's sister are the best of friends—how do you not recognize your best friends brother? Or that said brother has a son? How do you not know your best friend is an aunt?

Also, I struggled to believe that Ben's intentions were anything other than wanting to sleep with Mia again. Two days after their hook up, Ben is all about "my heart belongs to you," and "she's mine." Yet, the day after their anonymous hookup Ben talks about how he couldnt stand Mia growing up, but he sees her in a small bikini looking skinny and fit, now he wants her. However, we are to believe that his intentions are good because they had a "connection" when they slept with one another, it has little to do with her losing all that weight he would shame her for growing up.

Several times up until I DNF this book, we read about the nasty comments Ben used to make towards Mia growing up. Like how she shouldn't eat her kind (bacon), or she shouldn't go on the swing because she would break the branch it's tied to. These comments are hurtful and they stay with you, I can definitely understand why Mia isn't ready to forgive Ben. I couldn't get on board with Ben's "change of heart." Yes people can change, but why is it that the hero only changes once he sees how "stunning" the heroine has become after losing weight? Curvy/big women are stunning too, and insinuating otherwise does not make for a good read.

This book had the potential to be such a great read, it even started off well but after they're one night stand, I couldn't help but continuously roll my eyes. If you can look past all the unbelievable moments you may just enjoy this, however I just couldn't.