A review by bfdbookblog
All Note Long by Annabeth Albert


I skipped the first two books in this series so I think it’s safe to say this can be read as a standalone. The guys from the first two books do make appearances but the story is still easy to read on its own. And I pretty much loved it so I’m going to have to go back and read books 1 and 2. The writing was great as always with Ms. Albert and I loved, loved, loved the ‘tweets’ at the beginning of each chapter!

Michelin and Lucky get off to a rough start which pretty much spirals out of control. As the story unfolds, we find that both men are more than what we see on the surface. I didn’t like that Michelin let so much of his life be dictated by his record company. Once he was outed, it almost felt like he wanted to go back in the closet. And for such a big star he seemed so disconnected from the world. His insecurities did endear me to him though (and for some reason I’m always a sucker for a big guy that stutters) and I love how he was so amenable to Lucky physically. He basically melted whenever Lucky touched him. When he finally pulled his head out of his a$$, the story was pretty perfect.

Lucky was awesome. He is definitely more than meets the eye and was perfect for Michelin, seeing what he needed right from the beginning. He stood up for himself and wouldn’t become a pawn in the record company’s game. And hello – Argentinian….HOT! (Just look at that cover!)

I’m interested to see if there will be another book and who it will be about as there doesn’t seem to be many characters left to talk about.

This is definitely a series worth checking out!