A review by leslico
The Maidens, by Alex Michaelides


Right from the opening chords of the audiobook, The Maidens is a fantastically haunting thriller. The story begins with Mariana, a group therapist with a tragic history. Mariana begins investigating the killing of her niece's friend from an exclusive Cambridge study group called The Maidens, which is based on the rites of Persephone. She suspects the Greek tragedy professor who leads this group, but there are many other suspicious people lurking in the darkness as well.

Louise Brealey's cool, detached narration of the audiobook is interspersed with chilling fragments from the unknown killer narrated by Kobna Holdbrook-Smith, which makes the story feel almost like live theatre.

I have read The Silent Patient, so I knew that the author would write an ending I could never predict, but even so, I couldn't help trying to figure out what was really going on and who was the killer! I found The Maidens to be a compulsively readable, thoroughly entertaining story.