A review by jakeyjake
The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming by David Wallace-Wells


Frightful. Kind of inspiring? David Wallace-Wells covers a lot of the research about the things I hadn't considered about climate change. Beyond the commonly talked of rising sea levels or hotter summers (or my first-world/privileged problem of no snow to ski on), there are many ways in which the earth will dramatically change including many more fires in many more cities, hurricanes, malaria in first-world countries, poorer air quality, fewer nutrients in our foods, and likely increased violence.

DWW talks frankly about how little time we have to make changes to even stop the worst case scenarios, let alone the limited warming that now seems to be inevitable. And he focuses us on policy. Individual choices (to not eat beef or fly on fewer planes or reduce energy usage) are commendable, but will not make enough impact at this stage. We need real policy changes from countries around the world.