A review by thegeekybibliophile
#MeToo: Essays About How and Why This Happened, What It Means and How to Make Sure it Never Happens Again by Lori Perkins


#MeToo Essays About How and Why This Happened, What It Means and How to Make Sure it Never Happens Again is a collection of twenty-six essays—written mostly by women, but also a few men—with many sharing their personal stories about sexual harassment, assault, or rape.

#MeToo isn't a fun read, but it's an important one. In November 2017, millions of women from around the world shared their stories on social media (or simply #metoo if they were unable to tell their story). If you followed the movement and read even a tiny portion of these heartbreaking stories, you couldn't help but be both saddened and enraged at how pervasive this problem is. Rape culture and misogyny have enabled this pernicious abuse of women and young girls. All too often, there is no justice for the victim, leaving women unwilling to report sexual crimes, fearing they won't be believed

(NB: I'm aware that there are men and young boys who have also been victimized and are survivors of sexual harassment, assault, and rape. Their stories are just as important to be acknowledged; their trauma just as real.)

We need a society in which those who have been hurt are no longer afraid to speak up. Rather than doubt those brave enough to come forward with their stories, we should allow them the dignity to be heard, help them heal, and seek justice for them. We can only do better as a society when we shine the harsh light of truth on the evils of the world, and make a commitment to change things for the better... and that's what this book is about.

I received an advance review copy of this book courtesy of Riverdale Avenue Books via Netgalley.