A review by openmypages
The Four Symbols, by Jacques Ravenne, Éric Giacometti


This book was not quite what I expected. I had been thinking it'd be along the lines of a Clive Cussler or Dan Brown-like re-telling of WWII with some insight on the Nazi organization. There were some intriguing elements, the focus on the occult was really fascinating. It was an element of WWII that I wasn't as familiar with. 

There were entirely too many characters, locations and timelines to keep track of. I think this story needs some streamlining for the sequels, it has a fascinating premise but the execution was not quite right for my taste. I think it's also a risk having large chunks of the book told from the viewpoint of the Nazi torturers, for a person like me who wants characters to relate to, I found myself wanting to rush through those sections and get back to characters I could relate to.

Thanks to Netgalley for providing me with a review copy in exchange for my honest opinion.