A review by paracosm
Fablehaven by Brandon Mull


I wish I could give this book a five star rating. This is the first full-length novel that I've ever read, and was for many years my favorite series of all time. I think it's pretty good, but there are some things that I can't dismiss so easily.

First let's talk about the positive side. The concept of a wildlife reserve but for magical creatures is amazing. I don't think I've ever seen it done anywhere else. This series is full of incredible and original ideas and I wish they were explored more.

I have read this so many times and still have no idea on how exactly the magic works. We know that there are many rules, there's even a book in the story about all the laws that humans and creatures must follow, but we never learn what those are. Every time one of the main characters, Kendra and Seth, asks a question they are dismissed because of how young they are. These two are always asking but never get aswers and it's annoying.

We also never learn what a person does in their every day life as the owner of a magical reserve. We know that Kendra and Seth are training to become one, and that the duties take all day, but what those are? No one knows.

Speaking of characters, I really don't like Kendra. Her entire personality is that she follows the rules and in many instances she comes across as a coward. I know that my dislike for her only increases as the series goes on, but I will talk about that in future reviews.

Seth, on the other hand, is kind of an idiot but I like him. I read this book for the first time was I was 11, the same age as Seth, and I remember that I could see myself in him. Which is not something that happens very often for me. About 90% of Seth's choices are something that 11 year old me would have also done if I was in his position.

Theres also a lot of wasted potential regarding the characterization of magical creatures. The author has given all of them very specific personality types from which they can't deviate. All fairies are selfish and vain, all satyrs are playful and lazy, all demons are evil, etc. That means all your magical characters are going to be two-dimensional and that's not good.

Regardless of all the negatives this series is still really good and I recommend it.