A review by findyourgoldenhour
I Like to Watch: Arguing My Way Through the TV Revolution by Emily Nussbaum


First, let me just say that Emily Nussbaum is a genius. Not just because she's a brilliant and insightful writer (she is) but because she managed to make watching TV her job, and she was so good at it, she won a Pulitzer. Talk about #goals.

I like to read. I like to watch TV. I like to consume stories and pick apart narratives and characters and analyze what it all means. I also just like to be entertained! I like to see artistic geniuses create something that helps illuminate the human condition. That may sound high falutin when talking about television, but I stand by it, and so does Emily Nussbaum. This collection of her New Yorker columns is fantastic. I like to read, but I like to watch, too.