A review by never4get
In Certain Circles by Elizabeth Harrower


Psychological exploration of family and friendship relationships and interaction between people. Zoe comes from a wealthy family and has never wanted for anything, when she is introduced by her brother Russell to Stephen - who is extremely aloof and impersonal. Zoe, however, finds this oddly attractive. Stephen has a sister, Anna, who is a quiet and shy girl. Stephen and Anna have struggled all their lives - so the four young people come from very different circles. However, their lives keep intertwining.
Russell marries Lily and they have two daughters, but gradually he and Anna realise they love each other. Thus follow years of frustrated longing when they keep away from each other, except on rare occasions.
After years of time in New York working as an artist with a lover, Zoe returns to Sydney and meets up with Stephen again. He has mellowed somewhat and become successful in the business world so is financially secure. They form a loving relationship which in the beginning is extraordinarily wonderful for both of them. Zoe gives up work to support Stephen on the home front. Over time their relationship palls and Stephen starts to talk down to her. So she moves in an emotional maelstrom, while appearing perfectly fine on the outside.
Meanwhile Anna escapes the pain of not being able to be with Russell by going to New York and makes a successful career for herself. She has lovers, but nothing important.
Lily, Russell's wife, has a mental breakdown when their two daughters go to NY on a dance scholarship when she had wanted them to stay in Sydney.
So the psychological examinations of Zoe's situation, Anna's and Russell's form an interconnecting nexus that has the reader on edge.
Eventually the situation is sprung by receipt of a letter from Anna [that it turns out she wrote some years before and accidentally posted at this time] saying she had committed suicide because of her love for Russell. This reveals the entire situation to everyone. However, Anna had not committed suicide - obviously. The book ends with Lily deciding to go to NY to be with her daughters, Russell and Anna finally able to be together, and the implication that Zoe and Stephen will separate.
It was a difficult book to read - quite elaborate language, but really well written.