A review by wesleywesley
Bough Down by Karen Green



The book I finished before this one, And The Mountains Echoed was more poetic as a novel than this was. This was one of those books that I felt like you had to actively search for meaning or force yourself to be swept away because for every sensible or meaningful sentence, there were ten pages of nonsense. Whereas Mountains just was poetic, Bough Down was so forced and obvious in its intentions to be deep, cryptic, and alternative.

Having finished the book, I still don't know what it was about. It was far too abstract. It must've been therapeutic to write, vomiting whatever nouns, verbs, adjectives, articles, adverbs, etc. come to mind, but it was meaningless to read.

The visuals were irrelevant. Collages of dirt and scraps of paper that the author must've found in the cracks of her couch. Neither appealing nor compelling. I looked at them and just thought, What was the point?

I wouldn't recommend this to anyone. If one were to stumble upon it and enjoy it, that's great for them. But for me, there wasn't a single thing I enjoyed, so I wouldn't waste anyone's time thinking they might be lucky to find something worthwhile in this drivel.