A review by accidentalra
Everything For You by Chloe Liese


In general, I have loved all the Bergeman Brothers novels. This one, I only liked.

I actually struggled to buy in on both the "enemies" and the "lovers" parts of enemies-to-lovers—the first because the novel began with a massive four-year leap forward in time, which turned their longstanding angst into a "tell" rather than a "show" situation; the second because the primary sex scene was just shy of convincing, vague to the point of cringey. Beyond that, there was quite a lot of soapboxing that felt forced, and Oliver's three-year-old niece Linnie shows up enough that she really should've been written more realistically. (I'm no expert in child development, but I have raised kids and have granddaughters just past this age, and NONE of them spoke like this girl is shown to at such a young age. It was weird.)

Despite these fairly major weaknesses, I enjoyed the overall narrative, the inclusion of Oliver's anxiety and Gavin's stoic support, and seeing an MC who navigates chronic pain. Actually, the way Gavin responded to and dealt with his pain, and the change we saw in that respect, was the most genuine and believable aspect of the entire novel for me.

My final word after a very short review: read Everything for You if you're reading the series, but skip it if you're looking for a stand-alone sports romance.

[I received an ARC of this title in exchange for an honest review.]