A review by oedipa_maas
First Drop by Zoë Sharp


Excellent action scenes and awesome setting. You can tell Sharp spent a good deal of time in Florida to get the atmosphere down. It also began with the main action and not a false-start like the others have been. That was great - kept me reading from the very start.
My complaints: the teenagers were horribly written. I taught high school for some time and the characters painted in this story were so awfully one-dimensional that I wanted to throw the book down. There was so much potential for Trey and it was completely squandered.
Also Sharp's ear for American dialogue is, well, embarrassing. I don't think she had an American editor, because if she did, phrases like a teenager saying "mega row" to describe an argument would not have slipped through. And, I'm sorry Ms. Sharp, but while teens do say "like" a lot, they don't say it in the ways that you wrote them. The dialogue alone cost this a full star.
Finally, describing a black person as "colored" or simply as "the black guy" when everyone else gets a name is racist. Sorry no one filled you in on this.