A review by frakalot
Collateral Damage by David Mack


I thoroughly enjoyed the story. It was a satisfying account of the events that follow Picard's trial for alleged crimes... events that we observed across many previous novels. Mack handles the emotions of the people involved expertly and I often felt like I was in the room observing like a fly on the wall.

Typical for me, l enjoyed the Enterprise investigations much more thoroughly than the political aspects. Without leaning into spoilers we catch up with at least two unexpected characters, familiar from TV Trek, and it is quite a lot of fun.

We also explore a species mostly familiar by name and appearance only, a species close to Picard's heart in a very specific sense. We learn much more about them and their home planet.

I loved the book. I only have a single criticism and it relates to the last time we see Aneta Šmrhová. Why David, why? Haha. But otherwise thank you for another sensational story!