A review by jmccraw1989
Unspeakable by Kevin O'Brien


I don't know who really wrote this book, but I'm certain it was not Kevin O'Brien. It is so far removed from earlier thrillers like One Last Scream, First to Die, Vicious.

First off, there are entirely too many plots. If he had not added in the whole Clay/Corinne, the backstory of Collin finding Olivia, Ian's strange friendship, this could have been a lot shorter of a novel. A good thriller should be sleek and taught, every word throttling the novel ahead to a shattering climax. This has none of that. O'Brien has become wordy, stuffing his novels--Remember TERRIFIED?--with useless backstory. Is he trying to inflate the word count so they can charge more? Maybe. All I can say is that he has one more book, and if it fails as miserably as this…I'm done.