A review by theavidreaderandbibliophile
Flawless by Jan Moran


Flawless by Jan Moran is the first book in A Hostile Beauty series. Verena Valent runs her families company Valent Swiss Skincare which was founded by her grandmother in 1948. She has been running the company since her parent's died in a car accident when she was eighteen. Verena plans on expanding the company into Asia and has invested heavily into the venture when she loses her line of credit. Her banker, Marvin Panetta is dead and so is the financing. Verena tries to find other financing, but, with the help of her fiancé Derrick Logan, Verena goes to Herringbone (capital venture firm). This moves turns out to be the worst decision Verena has ever made (except for getting engaged to Derrick).

Along the way Verena has to deal with her grandmother, Mia (who is not in the best of health), her twin sisters, Anika and Bella (just thirteen), and Lance Martel. Lance captured her interest at an awards dinner. He made her dinner and then they continued to run into each other. The attraction was instantaneous but Verena kept resisting. Verena felt she made a commitment to Derrick and should stick with it (despite the horrible thing he does to her). Thankfully, Verena has some wonderful friends (Scarlett, Dahlia, and Fianna) as well as her family.

Flawless captured my attention right away and I could not put this book down. Romance, mystery, and some intrigue along with good writing. I give this book 4.5 out of 5 stars. There are two more books in A Hostile Beauty series: Beauty Mark and Runway. Beauty Mark is currently available and Runway will be out March 28, 2015. A lot happens in Flawless. I tried to give you a brief summary without giving away any spoilers!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.