A review by xiaxia
Soul of Ash by H.L. Moore


I've been marveling at the worldbuilding of Death's Embrace since I first read Heart of Dust. I love how complex everything is-from the mythology, history and races, to the monthly calendar or construction of family names .

This second book continues in the same vein as the first. There is a mystery that needs to be solved, and the culprits are those who seem innocent at first glance. The intrigue is manifested via political battles for the control of the mines, cutthroat moments, and unexpected support from the unlikeliest of characters.

This is not an MM romance per sē. It's an AU fantasy story, where the main male MCs have feelings for each other, but these feelings will develop via a slow burn built around the plot. The story is told from both Doran and Nathaniel's POVs. I liked how they had distinct voices, each with their own little quirks and quips.

There is a large cast of supporting characters, but don't get discouraged thinking you might get them mixed up. Although I found some of them a bit over the top, like Fiona, Allis or Grace, they kept the plot moving and none of them were redundant. It was nice to have Tiernan and his sarcasm back.

If you like AU stories, filled with suspense and intrigue, you will enjoy Heart of Ash.

I received this free copy from the author in return for an honest review via the M/M Romance Group DBML program