A review by lavendermarch
First Moon by Jacquelyn Faye


This was an okay book.

In terms of RH, it was pretty typical, with the guys all loving the main character. I did like that the attitude was overall accepting though. The sex scenes were decent.

The general writing style was a little iffy, as it had places where it didn't flow well, or read woodenly. This was disappointing because it did have first person narration, which you'd think that would have helped with that. The editing could use some work, as aside from the choppy writing style, there were often grammatical errors.

The plot was centered around a murder mystery, with witches, and I've read tons of those. This was pretty typical, and didn't do anything new there either.

For a book of its size (around 200 pages) I can forgive the general lack of world building, although the magic was explained alright. However, I'd like more detail on the system of power within covens, witches around the world, and what other kinds of supernatural creatures there are. Fae, werewolves, and vampires were mentioned.

As for the main character, I like the presence of Josie, her best friend, and Candace. That was nice in an RH. However, I didn't feel like I got to know any of the characters, even the main one Dot, very well. Also, Dot seemed a little too perfect and goddess-like, which was kind of annoying.

I am curious about the whole rebirth of the coven thing, and what that means, and why it happened to Dot's coven. So I might read the next one, as these are short and kind of interesting, but there are also plenty of reasons to not. 2.5 - 3 stars.