A review by kandicez
Just After Sunset by Stephen King


This is such a gem of a short story. You have no idea where it's going. Any of us can imagine being in the narrator's shoes. Sometimes life genuinely sucks! Not often do we have a Guardian Angel out for justice on our behalf. I was flabbergasted the first time I read it and got to the end. It's a mark of how great a story it is that I've read it numerous times knowing the surprise but still willing to take the journey to get to the "reveal."

Merged review:


Let me start by saying I was just going to read the introduction and the Sunset Notes, but you know what they say about good intentions...609 pages later!

Willa - Not my favorite story in the collection, but creepy. Even though his was my umpteenth re-read, I still felt a bit confused at first. King can do that to you.

The Gingerbread Girl - I've always loved this story. Emily is such a strong woman and that's what this story is really about. It's about her remembering how strong she is and trusting herself again. Like a reset button after tragedy. We all need one.

Harvey's Dream - This story was more about the internal voice of a marriage to me. A bit like [b:Lisey's Story|10566|Lisey's Story|Stephen King|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1316346037l/10566._SY75_.jpg|4512687] but more NOW. At one point Janet thinks "I need to pluck Harvey's eyebrows again." and you just know you are watching real people, lead real lives, even if King did make them up!

Rest Stop - Every single time I read this story I choke up. I know that's not the reaction King was going for, but I do it. Every. Single. Time. I hate the idea of being in a situation where I am witnessing something I should stop and being afraid to do so. This story is just a nightmare.

Stationary Bike - I don't love this story on the page, but hearing Ron McLarty read it is a sublime experience. Even though I was reading from the page this time, I heard McLarty in my head. :D

The Things They Left Behind - Again, not my favorite story. I'm sure it was much more cathartic for King to write than it was for me to read.

Graduation Afternoon - I love this one! It's just so ordinary, and chugging along when all of a sudden...KABLAM! I bet I see the exact same image in my head that sparked the idea for King.

N. - This is just creepy and uncomfortable and makes me feel like a wack job waiting to happen. I count things. I am pretty anal about where things belong. Am I really one of the crazy tribe?

The Cat from Hell - This is just silly and fun and reminds me of a comic book or one of those silly stories you tell at sleepovers.

The New York Times at Special Bargain Rates - This one is a heart breaker. Right now, my father-in-law is in hospice and this story literally hurt my heart to read. My mother-in-law will be lost and just one more call would be such a blessing.

Mute - My absolute favorite of the whole bunch! This is like an M. Night Shamalayan movie. Talk about a mind blower. No one saw that ending coming the first time they read it. No one!

Ayana - I must not have liked this the first time I read this book because I skipped it this time with absolutely no guilt. Had no interest.

A Very Tight Place - Geez! Just geez!!!!!!!!!!!!! Take this and the [b:Dreamcatcher|11570|Dreamcatcher|Stephen King|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1611766265l/11570._SY75_.jpg|643924] shit weasels into consideration and you gotta wonder about Uncle Stevie's digestive track.

2008 -Of course I love everything the man writes, so I do not have an unbiased opinion, but I think this was a great collection. Some I have read before, but was happy to revisit them. I'm not sure if it was my mood, or the writing, but the Rest Stop actually made me tear up a little. I'm pretty sure that's not the reaction King was looking for... The last story was, oddly, terrifying to me. My daughter plays a lot of soccer and there are always port-o-potties around. How scary, gross and disgusting would it be to be trapped in one? Yuck!!!!I will have a hard time closing the door the next time I have to use one, I'm sure!