A review by themclaughs
Robotech: The Macross Saga: Battle Cry by Jack McKinney


Something from my childhood.

Overall Thoughts

The Macross Saga was something that I remembered from when I was a kid. To this day, I still have memories of sitting with my feet up on the sofa, awkwardly angling my body to try to get the good light from the lamp on the left.

The story is one that — in my opinion — stands the test of time. Humans are attacked by an alien race, to sum it up lightly. But it’s so much MORE than that. There’s a human element that the action series on XBOX couldn’t really capture. The book was able to expand on concepts and theories and make them more believable.

This book actually spans 3 stories, each with their own name. Battlecry is a great name, and the best of what I remember.
There’s 13 or 20 “books” in this series, and I won’t read them all, but there’s SUCH a nostalgic, awesome element to this.


1) The story is from a video game. This is a huge pro, but will also be a con. There are tons of action scenes and cool things I remembered while reading.
2) The human element can, surprisingly, really impact you when you get down to it. It had some intriguing plot lines


1) It’s based on a video game. It’s a standard “fight for survival” story at its heart
2) While there are mature story elements, it does seem REALLY YA to me

Closing Thoughts

My 1300 page epic was coming out soon, and was undoubtedly to be heavy. This was a great way to relive something from my past, read a book in between other books, and really just...zone out.
Not everyone’s bag of tea, slightly sophomoric, but with a subtle maturity that lets this one stick through the ages.