A review by gettinglostinagoodbook
Souvenir by Therese Anne Fowler


Wow! What a moving and intriguing novel. Meg, faced with difficult decisions and the love for her family, does what she thinks is right for everyone else. From the beginning of the story until the end Meg puts others before her, sometimes at great cost to herself.
Meg led a good life - with a wonderful career, a beautiful daughter and a fancy lifestyle. The only trouble was she was not in love with her husband, as she never truly got over her first love. She worked hard at caring for others - her father, her husband, her daughter and even her sisters.
Spoiled Savannah does not realize what she has in front of her, and in typical teenaged fashion seeks MORE. Pretending to be older than she is she meets Mr. Wonderful - and falls for all of his lines. She lets herself be conned into doing many things she is uncomfortable with. Unfortunately this is all too realistic in today's society. She finds herself in a very compromising situation, with no easy way out.
Meanwhile, Carson McKay realizes that he never truly got over Meg either. Over time he realizes what really happened, and is willing to forgive and forget. So much so he is willing to give up all he had made for himself in order to help Meg when she really needed him.
While Meg seemed like a pushover, and Savannah seemed like a spoiled and naive child both of these characters grew into strong women to be admired. Any questionable actions taken made sense when you looked through the eyes of the character, which I found easy to do as Fowler has created truly believable characters. It was easy to relate to them, and to understand the choices that they made.
Fowler drew me into the story (although I am sure the voice of the narrator helped - she was excellent!). I wanted to know what would happen next. I found myself crying for Meg many times during my drive to work. I also wanted to scream and yell at Savannah exlaining what she could be getting herself into (then race home and remove all social media and electronic communication from the reach of my teenage daughter!)
I will definitley be looking for more from Fowler!