A review by colecordium
My Summer Roommate by Bridie Hall


** Not sure if it was marked as new adult or young adult, but I felt it more YA **
** Book was provided by the author in exchange of an honest review **

I really like this book. It wasn't a grand, life-changing one, but just a fun read I ate up very quickly. The characters were likable and I could relate to the main girl in some aspects.

The romance was lacking a bit and the characters seemed too mature for their age sometimes, but it was still a light read that I would probably re-read if I were in the mood (and had all the time in the world).

If you are looking for a quick, funny read without instalove, this one is probably for you.

** More detailed review to come **

Full review

Originally posted on Books and Starlight

Chloe needs a place until she goes off to college. Her mom sold their house and moved to her boyfriend's place while they look together for a house to live in, but Chloe has nowhere to go. Her best friend, Isabelle offers her place to her, but she doesn't want to bother. That's when Chloe's old classmate, Chris says that he has a free room she can use. She takes up the offer, but what happens when someone moves in with you that you really fancy? Trouble. And frustration. That's what will happen. Chloe tries to deny her attraction to Chris - who turns out likes Chloe just the same - but it's inevitable. But just before their happily ever after, Chris confesses. Will he lose Chloe, or does the girl forgive her?

The word I would use to describe this book is cute. I really liked the characters. By no means was this book a big life-changing one, but I enjoyed it nonetheless and went through it very quickly.

Chloe is a girl who just recently finished high school and is spending her last summer home before she goes off to college in Atlanta. She's kind of unsure or herself and a lot of things, but that's totally understandable, as you read her background story and how she gre up. But she is kind and fun and I liked how she knew when to give people the place they wanted. I could relate to her in some of the situations.

Chris is a shredder, or at least used to be, until an accident ended his career. Now he's going to go to college too, learning sport pedagogy. He works as a delivery guy in a bakery to save some money. So you see, he's not your typical bad boy. He is really genuine and kind, very straighforward but has some secrets. He really wants to be with Chloe but she keeps denying him. He felt so real.

There were a few steamy scene between them, but overall the romance was a bit lacking for my liking. It was really well written, how they went from almost strangers to lovers. Finally a book with no insta-love! Their first conversation was just like expected between them, and I loved how they opened up to each other as the story went on and they were getting to know each other. I loved the easy relationship they had, but sometimes they seemed more mature than their actual age.

It was a really light read, just what I needed and I would probably re-read it, if I ever have time for re-reads and I'm in a contemporary mood. My Summer Roommate is the perfect book if you want to forget about the world for a few hours and find something light, fluffy and funny. I definitely recommend this to you, if you are a fan of contemporaries. And last but not least, I loved Bridie's writing style and she is such a nice person.