A review by csd17
The Great Partnership: God, Science and the Search for Meaning by Jonathan Sacks


"Dawkins... thinks of faith as a refusal to ask questions. But faith as Planck, Einstein, and Nietzsche understood it is the opposite: it is the courage and principled determination to go on asking questions despite the fact that there is no easy or immediate answer...

It is that courage to begin a journey not knowing where it will lead but confident that it will lead somewhere, that there really is a destination, an order, a faint but genuine melody, that is the faith not only of the scientist but of Abraham himself who heard a voice telling him to leave his land... and did so, confident that the voice was not an illusion and the destination not a no-man's land." -- Rabbi Jonathan Sacks

--end of genius quote, beginning of personal musing--
Honest questions take courage. Honest questions are powerful and break barriers. Honest questions lead to study, research, experiments, quiet introspection, and a desire to move forward. Answers to honest questions lead to quiet confidence.