A review by carlylwbug
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald


*light spoiling throughout*
I'm kind of kicking myself for watching the movie before reading the book. I feel the movie stayed very true to the book though and helped me visualize some difficult parts more easily, but it still took away some of the surprise factor of the book. The only reason I think I didn't get bored while reading it was the beautiful language throughout. I already knew the storyline and what would happen but I still felt compelled to read it because of the flow of the writing.
Normally you read this book in English class, heck I might even have to reread it because I'm having to retake Junior year English (thank you year abroad!) along with my regular Writing 121/122. So I'm going to get my thoughts out about the book before I'm forced to read it, which we all know makes us end up hating it.
The Great Gatsby portrays an era where "the buildings were higher, the parties were bigger, the morals were looser, and liquor was cheaper" (taken from the Great Gatsby movie trailer). It is truly a book about careless fools, to be honest. The people that actually might care in the book are all killed off. Jay Gatsby is someone who embodies the American Dream, he has built his way up from the bottom and created a name for himself all to impress this one girl he dated for a short time five years ago before he headed off to war and she married another man for his money.
Seems a bit shallow doesn't it?
I think Gatsby could've made a man of himself, he had devotion and the drive but unfortunately his drive revolved around a woman. He was obsessed with her and the past. This led to his untimely demise as he is wrongfully blamed for a crime he didn't commit and the woman his life revolves around runs away, not admitting to her fault. Daisy is truly a careless person, she chooses her own life over others and has never worked a day in her life for the things she wants. I feel in this novel Gatsby was more obsessed with the idea of Daisy than her, herself. Not only does she have to say she loves him, she has to swear to Gatsby that she never loved Tom; Gatsby's own method of trying to go back to before Tom and erase the last five years.
Unfortunately there is no way of erasing Daisy's vapid, careless personality. If she had truly loved him, she would've waited and not married a man just because of his money. She has always done what would benefit her the best and Gatsby was never in that plan. Only when he became rich, could she see a future with him.
Overall the book has amazing writing and turns a silly little story about vapid, rich people into one of the great American novels.